Keith and I had the most wonderful weekend. Our friends Rob & Helen came to stay along with five of their precious fluffy kids. They were showing in Kawerau. We were very excited to have Onyx come and visit - Onyx is the beautiful boy that we are going to take on as he needs to be rehoused. It almost seemed a little unfair to Brooke's memory for it to be happening so soon. What we needed to remind ourselves was that this had always been the plan and at New Year when we stayed in Napier Rob and Helen said it would be about 6 months - so here we are nearly 6 months down the track. Onyx spent the day with us on Saturday and slept outside in one of the kennels on Friday night, however Saturday night he seemed a little unsettled so Keith brought him inside to SLEEP IN OUR BEDROOM - can you believe that cos I surely couldn't. Nitro would be turning in his grave and muttering very loudly - he was about 12 before he was even allowed in the bedroom - let alone allowed to sleep in there all night and as for the cuddles up on the bed well we won't even go there :). Needless to say it appears that he has won our hearts and we can't wait for the 11th of June to come around so we can pick him up and bring him home with us to live. I am going to arrange to work mornings only for the first week as Onyx is used to having 8 other dogs around & Helen & Rob as they work from home. I am sure once he adjusts to being on his own he will be just fine. I wonder if he will be allowed to continue to jump up on the bed and the couch for cuddles - I guess time will tell. Once I get some photos of him I will post some. The photo above is him and Keith at the weekend - you can see they are happy together.
What amazing news! You two are easy hearts to win though ... congratulations on Onyx joining the family. xxx